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The use of technical enzymes has been an essential part of the entire technology of fruit juice production from the beginning. In the early 1930s, the first steps were made to process fruits into juices that could be stored for a longer time without the danger of alcoholic fermentation or other forms of undesired spoilage. The purposes of using enzymes in fruit juice or wine are (1) to increase extraction of juice from raw material, (2) to increase processing efficiency such as pressing and solids settling or removal, and (3) to render the final product sparkling clear and attractive. Fruit juices were and still are considered to be an excellent alternative to alcoholic beverages like beer or wine. Starch-degrading enzymes for fruit juice clarification and, later, pectolytic enzymes represented the first enzymatic products that were successfully used in fruit juice production. New processing technologies have been made feasible by new enzyme preparations. For example, yields of juice from apples have been pushed higher and higher, making modern fruit processing more efficient and economical
