Hormones, although not strictly drugs, are listed because many have pharmaceutical activity in addition to their use as hormone replacements. For example, there are many formulations of glucocorticoid that are used as anti-infl ammatory drugs. Some vitamins and some mineral compounds can be used as drugs, but they are not listed in this table. Similarly, some compounds, although used pharmaceutically, are not included because they are not considered drugs per se. An example of this is charcoal or activated charcoal, which is sometimes administered to adsorb ingested noxious compounds or compounds produced by the body in the course of the breakdown of food in the gastrointestinal tract. An example of the former is the use of activated charcoal to adsorb a potentially noxious ingested chemical. The charcoal increases the excretion of that chemical before it can be absorbed into the body and harm it. An example of the latter is the use of activated charcoal to reduce the noxious gases produced and released (fl atus) following the ingestion of dried beans and pulses. The undigested carbohydrates are acted on by the fl ora in the intestines and produce short-chain fatty acids as well as a variety of gases. These gases can be noxious.