Substitution ciphers encrypt text by substituting one character

for another. In this case, the key is the user-defined substitution

mapping for the characters contained in the plaintext space.

Cryptanalysis, or code breaking, occurs when Oscar attempts to

recover plaintext sent over an open channel without knowledge of

2.1 it was determined that a substitution cipher whose plaintext

and ciphertext spaces are the English alphabet has a key space

of size 26! ≈ 4 × 1026. One method of performing cryptanalysis on a substitution cipher (or any cryptosystem) is to try all

possible mappings (or keys) to see if the decrypted text is intelli-

gible. This method is referred to as the Brute Force or Exhaustive

Key Search method. Although this method is inefficient, Exhaus-

tive Key Search does provide an upper bound for the complexity,

time, and resources required to attack a system. Unfortunately (or

fortunately, for Oscar), other attacks may exist that reduce these

parameters, making Oscar’s job significantly easier. Moreover,

these attacks may not always be based in mathematical analysis.

Social engineering attacks are often cheaper and easier solutions

versus more traditional cryptanalysis, achieving the same results

through bribery, trickery, etc. [74, 276].