Chapter Key Points Discusses the social drivers in Mobile Enterprise Transition (MET) ◾ Discusses the social aspect of adaptation of mobile devices by mobile users ◾ Presents the issues of privacy in the use of personalized mobile devices ◾ Discusses the effect of mobile usage on the organizational team structures ◾ Discusses the principles and practices of usability in mobile applications ◾ Analyzes each of the social factors in MET for their perceived importance ◾ by the users Analyzes the social drivers in MET from the point of view of sequencing ◾ them within the social dimension of MET

Introduction This chapter focuses on the social dimension of Mobile Enterprise Transition (MET). This social dimension transitioning using mobile technology is vital for the success of MET. This is so because this social dimension handles the subjective nature of MET as it focuses on the players involved in MET and how they are influenced by the process. Typically, these players are the users of the business (e.g., customers and employees) as well as the decision makers who are involved in undertaking the MET exercise. The discussion in this social dimension thus deals with the effect of mobility on the sociocultural aspects of people’s lives. Examples of these sociocultural issues include rising user expectations from mobility; adaptability and usability of mobile devices and applications; attitude to privacy and trust of information; changing working formats and work ethics; changes to organizational and team structures; emergency help and support for the individuals; convenience and ease of usage; and health issues related to use of mobility-to name but a few. These personal and social challenges of mobility stem from the fact that it is one of the most pervasive emerging technologies of today. Mobility continues to fascinate and socially attract various categories and types of users. As discussed earlier, in Chapter 1, people’s dependence on mobile technology is not only increasing, but the rate at which this dependence is increasing is also very high. Today’s society is almost unimaginable without mobile technologies, covering all ranges of uses in all geographical regions and with all financial backgrounds. The social fabric affected by mobility covers, for example, employment, education, homes, and governance as well as relationships with family and friends.