Plastids are an extremely important and diverse group of organelles found in higher plant cells. As such, they occur in a variety of forms with a variety of specialized functions. Perhaps best known among these are chloroplasts, which occur in a variety of photosynthetic tissues and are engaged in the photosynthetic activities of plants (Halliwell, 1981; Malkin and Niyogi, 2000). The historical emphasis on chloroplasts often overshadows the important contributions that a number of nonphotosynthetic

15.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 229 15.2 Lipid Biosynthesis in Plant Cells ................................................................ 231 15.3 Plastids as a Model for Teaching about Plant Lipid Metabolism ...............234 15.4 Isolation of Plastids and Plastid Envelopes ................................................. 235

15.4.1 Spinach Leaf Chloroplasts ............................................................ 235 15.4.2 Pea Root Leucoplasts .................................................................... 236 15.4.3 Isolation of Chloroplast Envelopes ............................................... 237

15.5 Assay Conditions for Plastid Lipid Biosynthesis ........................................ 238 15.6 Using Plastids for Educational Purposes in Plant Lipid Metabolism ......... 241

15.6.1 Cofactor Requirements for Plastid Lipid Biosynsynthesis ........... 242 15.6.2 Timecourse Studies of Plastid Lipid Biosynthesis .......................244 15.6.3 Cytosolic Interactions and Metabolite Uptake Studies ................246 15.6.4 Envelope-B ................................................................................