Generating Angiogenesis and Stroma ..............................................................8 1.10 Summary and Perspective .............................................................................. 10 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................... 10 References ................................................................................................................ 10

The story goes back to the late 1970s. I was at the time an immunopathologist investigating a new form of cellular immunity that we had discovered called cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity (CBH) (1,2). CBH is a form of lymphocyte-mediated immune response in which basophilic leukocytes play a prominent role, so much so that they may account for half or more of the cellular infiltrate. Originally described with purified protein antigens in guinea pigs, we had found a similar basophil-rich response to contact allergens (e.g., poison ivy) and other medically relevant entities such as viral pathogens. I was therefore curious to see whether tumors also elicited a CBH response.