Normal somatic cells invariably enter a state of permanent growth arrest and

functional decline after a finite number of divisions (1). This phenomenon,

termed cellular senescence, is believed to be a contributing factor in aging. As

we age, the organisms’ ability to withstand the erosive effects of internal and

environmental stress diminishes, rendering us vulnerable to a variety of chronic

illnesses including cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart, and neurodegenerative

diseases (2-5). Conventional wisdom holds that the body’s decreased resistance

to stress during aging may result from the decreased efficiency of normal

maintenance and repair mechanisms. The accumulation of damage overtime may

either signal for the stimulation of antistress defense, allowing somatic cells to

survive longer but enhancing the risk of becoming cancerous, or to a cellular

surrender leading to senescence. Accordingly, senescence induction may be

considered as a barrier for cancer and thus should be exploited for the treatment

of this disease. However, the respective benefits and risks of targeting senes-

cence in cancer cells to treat tumors or in somatic cells to prevent cancer onset

must be defined. For this, it is critical to define the relationship between

senescence and cancer and characterize the molecular events eliciting these

unique cellular stress responses.