Patients su¬ering from chronic diseases often have to cope with limitations and a reduced quality of life. In particular, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patients su¬er from progressive paralysis. ªis accounts for instances of insu»cient dietary intake and, in the long run, leads to unnoticed reduction of weight due to malnutrition (Meyer, 2009), problems that are also found in other diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis. From a certain point in time, enteral nutrition by use of feeding tubes becomes inevitable, which causes a dramatic decrease in patients’ quality of life

Background and Introduction 305 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 306 Scenario 307 Related Work 308

Research Design 308 Requirements Analysis for Nutrition Tracking System 309

Analysis of Actual State and Processes 309 Target State and Requirements Elicitation 314

Solution of System Design 317 Summary and Outlook 320 References 322

(Löser et al., 2007). By maintaining adequate nutrition, especially in the early phases of the aëiction, this process can be slowed down. For this purpose, due to the limitations caused by the disease, patients admittedly need medical care and the attendance of physicians, as well as the support of family members, a»liates, and nursing sta¬. What we advocate in this chapter, however, requires enhanced information logistics that are presently not available.