TLC is an off-line process in which the various stages

(Fig. 1) are carried out independently. The advantages of

this arrangement using an open, disposable layer com-

pared with an on-line column process such as HPLC

include the possibility of separating up to 70 samples

and standards simultaneously on a single plate, leading

to high throughput, low cost analyses and the ability to

construct calibration curves from standards chromato-

graphed under the same conditions as the samples; analyz-

ing samples with minimum sample preparation without

fear of irreversible contamination of the column or carry-

over of fractions from one sample to another as can occur

in HPLC with sequential injections; and analyzing a

sample by use of multiple separation steps and static post-

chromatographic detection procedures with various uni-

versal and specific visualization reagents, which is

possible because all sample components are “stored” on

the layer without chance of loss. TLC is highly selective

and flexible because of the great variety of layers that is

available commercially. It has proven to be as sensitive

as HPLC in many analyses, and solvent usage per sample

is extremely low.