This chapter provides a research frame for geographic information scientists to study the integration of geospatial data mining and knowledge discovery. It examines the current state of Data mining (DM) and Knowledge discovery data (KDD) technology, identifies special needs for geospatial DM and KDD, and outlines research challenges and the significance to national research needs. The chapter explores research frontiers in geographic knowledge discovery briefly and propose a research agenda to highlight short-term, midterm, and long-term objectives. The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science seeks to facilitate a multidisciplinary research effort on the development of geospatial DM/KDD science and technology. Geographic data has unique properties that require special consideration and techniques. Geographic information exists within highly dimensioned geographic measurement frameworks. Knowledge-based Geographic Information Science attempts to build higher-level geographic knowledge into digital geographic databases for analyzing complex phenomena. The development of DM and knowledge discovery tools must be supported by a solid geographic foundation.