The basic purpose of electromechanical (EM) machines is to convert energy from, or into, mechanical form. Therefore, it is essential to consider mechanical issues if we are to perform a comprehensive analysis of such devices. Since the overwhelming majority of applications are rotational, we will consider that configuration first. Likewise, whereas operation in the generator mode is important, and will be addressed in detail, motor mode operation is more ubiquitous, and probably of greater interest to readers of this book. Indeed, it is common to refer to EM machines that normally operate in the motor mode simply as “motors,” and we will conform to that practice. Likewise, EM machines that normally operate in the generator mode are called “generators.” Bear in mind, however, that the machine can operate in both modes if operating conditions require it. There are many types of EM machines and most of them will be discussed here. However, the subject of this chapter is not the EM machine, but the mechanical termination, called the “mechanical load” for motor applications, and the “prime mover” for generator applications.