CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 3 1.2 NSDI Phenomenon ....................................................................................... 4 1.3 Nature of an NSDI........................................................................................ 6 1.4 Evolution of NSDI Concept ........................................................................ 8

1.4.1 Key Features of the First Generation NSDIs ................................ 8 1.5 From the First to the Second Generation of NSDIs .............................. 10 1.6 Toward a Hierarchy of SDIs ..................................................................... 12 1.7 Discussion .................................................................................................... 14

1.7.1 How Long Will It Take to Create an Effective NSDI?.............. 14 1.7.2 How Much Will NSDIs Cost and Who Is Going

to Pay for Them?............................................................................. 15 1.7.3 What Is the Connection between NSDI and

eGovernment? ................................................................................. 16 1.7.4 What Cultural Barriers Must Be Overcome

During NSDI Implementation? .................................................... 16 References ............................................................................................................. 17

The widespread and rapid diffusion of national spatial data infrastructures (NSDIs) throughout the world during the last 10 years has led to the emergence of the NSDI phenomenon. This chapter deals with the nature of this phenomenon and discusses some of the lessons that can be learnt

from this experience. The chapter is divided into four main parts. The first part describes some of the main milestones in the NSDI emergence, whereas the second part examines its nature. The third part evaluates the experience of the first generation NSDIs and discusses the changes that are taking place in the emerging second generation. It also explores some of the changes that are involved in the transition of NSDIs from formulation to implementation and considers some of the main features of the emerging spatial data infrastructure (SDI) hierarchy. The fourth and final section deals with some of the broader strategic issues that are associated with the creation of effective SDIs.