Depth Pro ling ...................................................................................... 311 10.5 Discussion and General Conclusions .................................................................................. 314

10.5.1 Some Typical Problems Encountered in the Sputter Pro ling of Certain Types of Sample and Their Solutions .................................................................... 314

10.5.2 Key Parameters/Considerations for Choice of the Appropriate Analysis Method..... 314 Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................................... 315 References ...................................................................................................................................... 315

In-depth analysis of materials has become of tremendous importance in academic and industrial laboratories during the last 20 years. Thermodynamics, kinetics, sample processing, sample utilization, and sample impurities can introduce compositional inhomogeneities between the surface and the bulk that affect the overall material properties. The development of multilayered materials is another driving force behind the development of powerful in-depth analysis tools. Finally, even though the interface between a coating and a substrate is often the critical region that determines the nal properties, it is often poorly characterized.