Macroengineering approach is a preconceptual engineering baseline study that deals with the development of concepts and technologies for cleanup by aggregate area and sitewide groundwater remediation that emphasizes the use of large-scale mining and industrial engineering approaches. The typical macroengineering baseline study should present a conceptual design, environmental impacts, modeling, cost estimates, emergency response analysis, and innovative technology development opportunities are provided. In macroengineering, a site is divided into large operational areas for remedial purposes. The initial preconceptual engineering baseline study provides the basis for negotiation of a site’s regulatory agreement. Macroengineering follows the general approach to environmental restoration worker safety. The safety officer performs a hazard evaluation for each site and, based on this evaluation, sets up specific procedures, specialized equipment, and controls to be implemented to ensure protection of the workers, the public, and the environment. The baseline should also provide for development of a regulatory strategy document.