Muscle-tendon units are complex biological actuators able to generate considerable force to stabilize and/or move segments of the body and absorb energy imparted to the body. They are controlled through neural inputs and generate their forces by converting chemical energy into mechanical energy. Their mechanical behavior is directly linked to their macroscopic and microscopic structures and the properties of the specific proteins constituting these structures. Muscle-tendon units are highly adaptable, modifying their structure and protein forms in response to changes in environmental stimuli. Due to the integral role skeletal muscle plays in human function, an understanding of its behavior has been of interest for thousands of years. However, because of its complex organization of membranes, organelles, proteins, nerves, and vessels, and its versatility and adaptability, increases in our understanding of the detailed workings of skeletal muscle have often depended on the development of new technologies and methodologies. Much is still unknown about muscle-tendon structure and function and it is likely that further knowledge in this area will be achieved through technological innovations.