The family Anacardiaceae consists of approximately 60 genera and 600 species of tropical trees, known to produce tannins and several sorts of phenolic compounds. Extra care must be taken with some members of this family, including notably Anacardium mel-anorrhoea and Gluta rhengas L. The pharmacological evidence so far presented clearly indicates that urushiol and congeners inhibit the enzymatic activity of several sorts of enzymes including phospholipase A2, cyclooxygenase, 5-lipooxygenase, and prostaglandine synthetase, which mediate inflammation. Gluta rhengas L. is a tree that grows to 30m with a light gray bole which is often multiple stemmed. The plant is called renghas in Malaysia, where the sap is greatly feared by locals as it induces dangerous allergic reactions. It probably explains why only a few pharmacologists have studied the plant. In Malaysia, the resin obtained from the stems is a counterirritant used to calm itchiness of the skin.