The conversion process in our food systems is under way. The experiences presented in the chapters of this book demonstrate how farmer need and initiative, consumer interest and commitment, and researcher approach and focus are all converging to promote the transformation of our global food system. Members of all parts of the food system are thinking beyond the yield focus of level 1, with many of them making the wholesale substitution of inputs and practices required for level 2. Yet many of these same level 2 farmers and researchers are now confronting a host of limitations that require and promote the move to level 3 action-the redesign of their farming systems. But for level 3 conversion to fully occur, the involvement of all members of the food system is required. From the farm to the table, everyone must participate in the development of level 4 conversion: the thinking, values, and actions that build new and sustainable relationships in the food system. There are some important signs that this is happening (Gliessman, 2007).