Chapter 2

Spectral Approximation

Our main interest lies in determining clusters of spectral values of nite

type and the associated spectral subspaces of a given bounded linear

operator T . Since exact computations are almost always impossible, we

attempt to obtain numerical approximations. Usually these approxima-

tions are the exact results of spectral computations on a bounded linear



T which is close to the given operator T . Often the operator



is chosen to be a member of a sequence (T


) of bounded linear operators

which converges to T pointwise, or with respect to the operator norm,

or in a `collectively compact' manner. Other than these three modes

of convergence, we study a new mode of convergence which is strong

enough to yield the desired spectral results and general enough to be

applicable in a number of situations. Under this mode of convergence,

properties similar to the upper semicontinuity and the lower semicon-

tinuity of the spectrum are proved. The chapter concludes with error

bounds rst for the approximation of a simple eigenvalue and the cor-

responding eigenvector, and then for the approximation of a cluster of

multiple eigenvalues and a basis for the associated spectral subspace.