It is sometimes thought that a picture is worth a thousand words. This chapter is

formed by a collection of 79 figures that relate to some aspects of groundwater

microbiology. The original plan was to include these figures directly into the

chapters and appendices relevant to the text. However, it became very apparent that

many of these figures could actually be related to more than one chapter which

makes cross-referencing a challenge. To resolve these problems, all of the figures

have been placed in this chapter in an order that follows roughly the book’s first

eight chapters. After developing the book, it was clear that this chapter containing

the graphics is essentially independent of the rest of the book, and therefore should

be considered as a separate source of information that can augment the information

presented in the rest of the book. It is therefore recommended that this chapter be

read as an adjunct to the rest of the book and hopefully clarifies some of the concepts

being presented in the text. Cross-references to other parts of the text can be found in

the index of the book and also in the contents pages at the front of the book.