Within the last decade, the field of optic-microwave interactions has attracted

growing interest worldwide. The specific term of microwave photonics was

first introduced in 1991 and used to describe novel optoelectronic components

based on the interaction of traveling optical and microwaves [1,2]. In the

following years, it was foreseen that the merging of microwave and photonic

technologies would develop and become a new approach to future fiber-radio

communication systems, for example, in the transmission of radio frequency

(RF) signal over optical carriers [3]. Since then the field of RF optoelectronics

and microwave photonics rapidly broadened. Since 1996, International Top-

ical Meetings on Microwave Photonics (MWP) are held annually [4]. The

IEEE MTT Special Issue on Microwave Photonics that was first published in

the year 1995 is now published regularly [5].