Nomenclature ..................................................................................................................... 581

References .......................................................................................................................... 583

Mixing is an important unit operation in processing operations, which is used for purposes

that include blending of ingredients, improvement of the rate of heat transfer, facilitation of

chemical reactions, creation of structure, the addition of energy to create or break molecular

bonds, etc. Turbulent mixing of low-viscosity liquids and gases works quickly because it

mainly uses the mechanisms of distributive mixing and molecular diffusion in chaotic turbu-

lent eddies. These eddies are superimposed on the mean flow pattern and scale from the size of

the mixing element down to the molecular level [1,2]. The mixing of highly viscous fluids is

more difficult because it generally takes place only in the laminar regime and mainly involves

the mechanisms of laminar shear, elongational flow, and distributive mixing to reduce the

scale of segregation, whereas molecular diffusion (which occurs very slowly) and dispersion

act to reduce the intensity of segregation [2,3].