Description of the Instrument... 147 Principles of Operation 148

Basic Concept of the Measurement 149 Basic Physics of Ballistometry 149 Intrinsic Parameters for Characterizing Materials 151

Determination of Coefficient of Restitution 152 Determination of Cutaneous Absorption Coefficient 152 Determination of Stiffness 153

Measuring with the Ballistometer 154 Methods and Materials 154 Procedure 154

Results 155 Amplitude 155 Stiffness 155 Cutaneous Absorption Coefficient 157 Coefficient of Restitution 157

Discussion 157 Conclusions 158 References 159

DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTRUMENT The IDRA® (Integrated Dynamic Rebound Analyzer) ballistometer consists of ten main parts: an external interface unit, a 9-v DC power supply, an internal PC interface card, an interconnecting cable, a holding magnet, a rotary transducer, a ballistic hammer, a multipositional mounting plate, a fixed stand, and IDRA control and data processing software (Figure 13.1).