Andrew Lowery, Judy Strojny, and Joseph Puleo Division of Small Manufacturers Assistance Office of Health and Industry Programs CENTER FOR DEVICES AND RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH (CDRH)

December 1996

3. Design Controls


T h e Safe M ed ica l D evices A ct o f 1990 added design va lidation requ irem ents to

the GMP requ irem ents in section 5 20 (f) o f T h e Act. Section 820.30 o f the Qual­ ity System (Q S ) regulation lists the design con tro l requ irem ents that m anufac­ turers should satis fy to be in com pliance. Th is chapter describes design con tro ls and p rov id es gu idance to assist m anufacturers in com plying w ith de­ sign con tro l requ irem ents.