The Tenuipalpidae are small (200 to 300 µm, or 0.2 to 0.3 mm), slow-moving, ©attened, red or green phytophagous mites that are most common in tropical or subtropical climates (see Figure S9.1A on the CD). All tenuipalpids feed on plants (Pritchard and Baker 1952, Meyer 1981, Baker and Tuttle 1987, Gerson 2008). Gerson (2008) reported that about 900 described species in approximately 30 genera are known, but many may remain undiscovered on tropical and subtropical plants. Childers et al. (2003a) reported that over 622 tenuipalpid species can be found in 30 genera, and 3 species (Brevipalpus californicus, B. obovatus, and B. phoenicis) attack a total of 928 plant species in 513 genera in 139 families. Mesa et al. (2009) have provided a catalog of the Tenuipalpidae of the world and a key to the genera.