The anatomy of the exstrophy pelvis and penis is obviously abnormal, the details of which have been investigated clinically, by cavernosography, computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), by experimental models and by dissection. 1

The visible part of the penis ( Figure 49.1 ) is short – not, as might be thought, because most of the penis is buried in the perineum. However, the penis is longer if the divarication of the pubic bones is 3cm or less and it is shorter if the divarication is 4cm or more. 2 In the past, surgical apposition of the pubic bones was said not to lengthen the visible penis. Some evidence suggests that the visible penis is longer if the pelvic ring is closed. 3 Osteotomies performed in infancy may be more effective in producing a normal penis, at least in childhood.