The waste-management situation in Hong Kong is no different from that in many other cities all over the world. Hong Kong produces approximately 9000 metric tons of waste per day. Of this, approximately 69% is organic. The region has no coordinated or well-organized recycling system for materials such as glass, paper, steel, or plastics. Because Hong Kong is an island, other than a small amount of mainland called the New Territories, its space for land¤ll is very limited. Hong Kong has four large land¤lls all contracted to private management but owned and monitored by the Hong Kong Government through their Environmental Protection Department


I Introduction .................................................................................................. 497 II Business Model Facets .................................................................................. 501

A Financial ................................................................................................ 501 B Logistics .................................................................................................502 C Land Availability and Cost ....................................................................502 D Regulatory Issues ................................................................................... 503 E The Sunburst Hong Kong Facility .........................................................503 F Press Releases by Sunburst Biotechnologies on Vermicomposting ...... 503

1 Earthworms May Hold the key to One of our Most Challenging Problems in Hong Kong: How to Dispose of Waste? ...................... 503

2 Launch Pad.......................................................................................504 3 Vermiculture ....................................................................................504 4 Massive Potential .............................................................................505