The žlament winding process allows for the development of cross-ply cement-based composite laminates using continuous alkali-resistant (AR) glass, polyethylene, and polypropylene žbers. Tensile stress-strain response, which are measured using closed-loop strain-controlled tests, have indicated that there is a signižcant amount of strengthening and ductility. The tensile strength of composites can exceed 50 MPa with a strain capacity of 1% to 2% using 5% AR glass žbers. The ²exural strength exceeds 50 MPa as well. Experimental results have shown that varying the stacking sequences can increase the ultimate strain capacity and result in values as high as 2%. These results have been extended to sandwich composites containing a lightweight aggregate core composite. Proper modeling of these composites requires the step-by-step implementation of simplifying assumptions with an increasing level of complexity to address the various competing mechanisms.