Product and process development For her group’s assignment in her introductory food science class, Jennifer’s team decided to develop a one-calorie beer. The first part of the assignment was to come up with a fantasy food product not currently available but that would plug a hole in the market. The second part of the assignment was to create a marketing plan. Jennifer’s team finally decided to develop a one-calorie beer. The students designed a nice-looking package and a clever marketing campaign aimed at NASCAR fans. The slogan was, “The Buzz without the Calories!” They made sure to include a public service campaign to discourage drinking and driving. Jennifer and her team were very disappointed to receive a C minus. Written in green ink next to the grade they read, “Technically impossible.” One of the group observed, “Hey, if they can make a one-calorie can of cola, why not beer? A whole lot more people have a beer gut than a cola gut!”