When a bubble drifts out of the orifice before its buoyancy increases to the critical level to detach the bubble from the surface, the bubble slides on the surface. The detachment of the bubble can occur after the bubble slides for a short distance on the surface by the inertia of the drifting, as shown in Figure 27.10. If a bubble cannot detach from the surface within a short distance, the bubble keeps sliding on the surface until the bubble reaches the end of the surface and merges with the preceding or following bubble as shown in Figure 27.11. The sliding velocity of a bubble on the surface and the frequency of creating sliding bubbles, which is dependent on the flow rate of air, determine the distance between two bubbles. The sliding of bubbles occurs regardless of the tilt angle of plate as shown in Figure 27.12 (tilting angle 45 degrees) and Figure 27.13 (tilting angle 60 degrees).