Even modern soft video players operate in a manner as invented for traditional VCR devices in the 1960s, mainly for entertainment. Th ey provide such well-known interaction features as play, pause, stop, and fast-forward/backward. Additionally, they usually off er a timeline that allows more or less (rather less) precise jumping

to a particular point in time within a video. In a large user test with 200 persons, researchers [5] found that the preferred method for browsing a video with a VCRlike control set in order to fi nd a specifi c part is the speed-switching technique, followed by simple straight viewing. Speed-switching is browsing a video sequentially by using diff erent playback speeds (e.g., fast-forward and play). However, even with techniques like speed-switching, fi nding a specifi c segment within a large video fi le remains a diffi cult and time-consuming task.