The integrity of the device can be compromised at the time of surgery by accidental puncture with a suture needle when closing the corporotomy over each cylinder. Autoinflation occurs in patients with three-piece devices when fluid flows from the reservoir to the cylinders without activation of the pump, resulting in unwanted prosthesis rigidity. The cylinders of all penile prosthesis types occasionally erode through the tunica albuginea and more rarely extrude through the skin. Surgery is typically reserved for men with disease that significantly affects their ability to engage in sexual activity. The various techniques are classified into lengthening and shortening procedures. Lengthening procedures are so called because the goal of the operation is to release the tethering caused by the Peyronie’s plaque. The hematoma can easily be drained by aspiration with a needle passed through the graft if the hematoma is causing pain or deformity.