Epispadias is a defect of lower urinary tract development in which there is incomplete closure of the urethra to varying degrees. Bladder exstrophy is a complex anomaly involving the urinary, genital and intestinal tracts, and the musculoskeletal system. Complications encountered during the care of patients with epispadias or exstrophy range from minor complications such as urinary tract infection to major complications that include dehiscence of the repair, obstruction to the outflow of urine and end-stage renal disease. Bladder outlet obstruction or urethral stricture may occur following epispadias or exstrophy repair. Patients may present with obstructive symptom such as straining with voiding, a dribbling “stream,” decreased force of stream, or urinary retention. Strict attention to detailed, prospective periodic assessment clear to both physician and caregiver charged as partners with the shared responsibility for lifelong care of the patient with bladder exstrophy.