Chapter Objectives Understand the functions of a computer and electronic forensic laboratory Identify the software, hardware, and personnel requirements for lab examinations Determine the infrastructure requirements of an electronic forensic laboratory Learn the training and certification requirements for lab examiners Look at the processes and tools required to identify and recover electronic evidence Understand the importance of documentation and chain-of-custody in the forensic process

Introduction Computer and electronic forensic analysis is often useful in matters that, on the surface, seem unrelated to computers. In some cases, personal information containing evidence may have been stored on a laptop computer. In a divorce case, a husband hides joint funds in a secret bank account. In another, an employee pirates software developed by an employer to start another company. In still another, a male employee sends numerous suggestive e-mails to a female coworker. In all of

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these instances, the suspects use a cell phone and e-mail that provide evidence to support the charges.