In this chapter, we learn how the systemic yoyo model (Figure 1.1) and the new figurative analysis method (Chapter 4) can be applied not only to the study of the laws of motion, astronomy, and the three-body problem (Chapters 4 to 6), where Newton’s laws have been historically considered one of the main reasons why physics is an exact science, but also equally to such inexact studies as economics, which is a part of social sciences. Even though situations studied in this branch of social sciences are fundamentally different from those considered in natural sciences, because humans are involved in each economic situation and their desires alter the evolution of the outcome, leading to unpredictable, chaotic consequences (Soros, 1998), what is presented in this part of the book shows that when each economic entity is seen as a rotating yoyo with a spin field around it, this fundamental difference seems to disappear and the seemingly unpredictable, chaotic consequences of human desires and corresponding behaviors no longer look unpredictable and chaotic.