Hydrophobic Surfaces ............................................................................ 268 12.2.2 Posttreatment for Physical Surface Functionalization of Latex Particles ............. 269

12.3 “Attaching to” Surface Functionalization ......................................................................... 270 12.3.1 Emulsion Homopolymerization, Emulsion Copolymerization,

and Other Polymerizations in Dispersed Media ................................................... 270 12.3.2 Seeded Emulsion Copolymerizations to Produce Functionalized Latexes .......... 273 12.3.3 Surface Modi cation of Preformed Latexes ......................................................... 275 12.3.4 “Click Chemistry” for Surface Functionalization ................................................ 276

12.4 “Attaching From” Surface Functionalization ................................................................... 277 12.4.1 “Attaching From” by Conventional RP ................................................................ 277 12.4.2 “Attaching From” by CRP .................................................................................... 277 Nitroxide-Mediated Radical Polymerization ......................................... 277 Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization ................................................. 278 Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain

Transfer Polymerization ......................................................................... 279 Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... 279 References .................................................................................................................................. 280

In the last two decades, there has been a huge amount of work reporting the synthesis and characterization of polymer latex particles having different functionalized surface groups useful in a large variety of applications, from biomedicals to photonic crystals. As can be observed in specialized literature, there are increasing investigations focused on the modi cation of polymer surfaces with the aim of imparting special properties, such as size, shape, and surface functionalization. The selection of the functionality on the surface of the latex particle depends on the nal application (solid-phase support, delivery, recognition, transport, etc.) and properties of the latex particles required. By surface modi cation of nanoparticles, it is possible to promote the stability of the particles in dispersed media, to couple biomaterials for biological purpose, to alter hydrophilicity of

particle surface to hydrophobicity and the other way around, and to obtain functional nanoparticles for biological, biochemical, and medical applications and for membrane treatment. Among the huge possibilities, Pichot [1] gathered a summary of some available functionalities and related properties, which can be installed to latex particles.