Bioenergy is energy derived or obtained from any fuel that is derived or originated from biomass which includes recently living organisms and their metabolic by-products.  Similarly, biofuels are dened as fuels made from biomass resources, or their processing and conversion derivatives [1]. Biomass is dened as all plant and animal matter on the Earth’s surface. Therefore, harvesting biomass such as crops, trees, or dung and using it to generate heat, electricity, or motion, is bioenergy [2]. Biomass is a very broad term that is used to describe materials of recent biological origin that can be used as an energy source or for their chemical ingredients. According to this denition, biomass includes crops, trees, algae, and other plants as well as agricultural and forest residues. It also includes many other materials that are regarded as waste by most people, including food and beverage manufacturing efœuents, sludges, manures, industrial organic by-products, and organic fraction of household waste [2]. The word “recent” in the dening statements of biomass is of signicance, because it eliminates any logical ground for fossil fuels to be considered as such.