Operation and maintenance procedures are essential for a workable particle counting system. They are what filling the gas tanks, checking the oil and tires, and packing the car are to taking a trip. They are indispensable, yet only bring us to the beginning point. The success of the journey depends upon foresight, planning, imagination, and the ability to deal with unexpected events along the way. The same holds true for operating a particle counting system. Just as a journey to a new place presents the traveler with a wealth of sights, sounds, and smells which form the experiences that make the trip worthwhile, the particle counting system will provide a vast amount of information. Whether that information is received as an overwhelming amount of confusing and useless data or as a wealth of valuable clues waiting to be pieced together to provide new avenues of learning and experience will depend a lot on the individual operator. Whether one takes a series of unexpected and challenging occurrences on a trip to be frustrating hassles or exciting adventures depends on the makeup of the traveler. Proper training and information are necessary parts of that makeup, and providing them the goal of this book. The more essential elements of character, integrity, and desire to do one’s best are left to the reader.