As ascertained by Albert Einstein, matter and energy are somewhat equivalent [1]. We say “somewhat,” for the conversion of matter into energy, which is difcult, seems much easier than the reverse. Let us look at energy present as matter in the Sun, released by fusion, and destined to visit, if only temporarily, this planet. We now avail ourselves of the liberties of science ction. Let us imagine that we are a J in transit. Then, some time ago, we were traveling from the Sun to the Earth (at the speed of light, no less). We then were absorbed, became part of a living organism that died and whose corpse decayed, and over eons and through different processes, a fraction of us became coal or oil or natural gas. On the other hand, if this did not happen eons ago, then we were absorbed into the atmosphere, causing wind, which was converted to power by a windmill, or simply absorbed by a photocell to become power, or by a solar collector to become heat. Although we would not know where we came from (we use star and condensed matter as explanations), we could also have been in 235U92 and survived an unimaginable period of time, seeing half of the host atoms disintegrate every 700 million years (i.e., like living in a hotel that is being demolished systematically). Yet another possibility is that we originated from friction and atomic decay in the core of the planet to be labeled geothermal energy. In any case, today we were released from our bond/atomic binding force/pressure difference or whatever, becoming energy in transit from our previous (comfortable) existence as stored energy.