Health benets of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) itself are well known, but DHA is usually supplied in the form of triglyceride or in the form of ethyl esters. Ethyl ester is not allowed for food uses, and triglyceride requires emulsiers when adding to foods. In contrast, phospholipid from DHA can be applied easily as food additives because it has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups in the same molecule. Another reason why the phospholipid form DHA is benecial is because the phospholipid form is usually more stable against oxidation in aqueous media (Nara et al. 1997). Diacyl glycerophospholipids are known as a naturally occurring emulsier, and lysophospholipids derived from diacyl glycerophospholipids are known as highperformance emulsiers. For this reason, if we can prepare DHA-bound lysophospholipid, it should become a health benecial high-performance emulsier.