The quality policy shall be relevant to the supplier’s organizational goals and the expectations and needs of its customers. The supplier shall ensure that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization. An Operational Policy is essentially designed to show a business’ overall management philosophy, core values, and mission in addition to satisfying some of the requirements of International Standardization Organization (ISO) 14001 and 9001. In the policy requirements for Element 4.2 of ISO 14001, there are three items which do not appear in ISO 9001, but have to be specifically included in an overall integrated policy: the commitment to continual improvement; the commitment to prevention of pollution; and commitment to legal and other requirements. The inclusion of these in any policy, whether strictly environmental, quality, or operational in nature, must be fully understood, because of the ramifications to the resulting system and what auditors may end up evaluating as part of the audit scope.