A Baer subgeometry partition of PG(2, q2) is a partition of the points by PG(2, q)’s. Recently, Mathon and Hamilton [975] found, by computer search, several Baer subgeometry partitions (BSG’s) of PG(2, 16) and PG(2, 25). The BSG’s of PG(2, 16) admit an automorphism group fixing one PG(2, 4) and acting transitively on the remaining PG(2, 4)’s. Since BSG’s seem to be quite rare, in general, this particular set of Baer subgeometry partitions is quite interesting. In fact, an open question in Baker et al. [63] is whether this is an example of a potentially infinite class. Furthermore, it is also asked whether such partitions can exist more generally in PG(2m, q2) for m > 1.