Bioheat and mass transfer is widely used in tumor detection and treatment. For tumor diagnosis, abnormal skin surface temperature distributions have been investigated in relation to breast cancer and its malignancy [1-4]. Also, tumor cells and neovasculature are found to be more sensitive to mildly raised temperatures than are normal tissues [5-7], which provides the possibility for hyperthermia treatment of tumors. Hyperthermia has been used either alone or in adjuvant to radiation or chemotherapy for tumor treatment. Mildly heating the tumor cells up to about 40°C to 45°C for a certain time duration changes cell membrane uidity and cytoskeletal protein structure and impedes transmembrane transport protein function [7-9]. It decreases the polymerization of RNA


5.1 Introduction 149 5.2 Tumor Characteristics 150 5.3 ermal Imaging of Tumors 153 5.4 ermally Targeted Drug Delivery 157 5.5 Tumor Treatment Planning and Assessment 164

5.5.1 High-Temperature Treatment 166 5.5.2 Cryosurgery 168 5.5.3 Alternate Cold and Heat Treatment 173 5.5.4 Treatment Evaluation 175 Tissue Damage Model 175 Cellular Damage Model 176 Vascular Damage 179

5.6 Conclusions 180 Acknowledgment 181 References 183

and DNA during protein synthesis and aects cellular signaling pathways. ese physical and biochemical changes can lead the cells to undergo either necrosis or apoptosis. Further, hyperthermia has been found to induce the immunological response and tumor microenvironment alterations that include changes of blood ow, oxygen supply, pH value, and the like [7,10-18].