Records of real-world phenomena can mostly be categorized as nonsta-

tionary time series. The simplest approach to modeling nonstationary

time series is, firstly, to partition the time interval into several subin-

tervals of appropriate size, on the assumption that the time series are

stationary on each subinterval. Secondly, by fitting an AR model to each

subinterval, we can obtain a series of models that approximate nonsta-

tionary time series. In this chapter, two modeling methods are shown for

analysis of nonstationary time series, namely, a model for roughly de-

ciding on the number of subintervals and the locations of their endpoints

and a model for precisely estimating a change point. A more sophisti-

cated time-varying coefficient AR model will be considered in Chapter

8.1 Locally Stationary AR Model

It is assumed that the given time series y1, · · · ,yN is nonstationary as a whole, but that we can consider it to be stationary on each subinterval

of an appropriately constructed partition. Such a time series that satisfies

piecewise stationarity is called a locally stationary time series (Ozaki

and Tong (1975), Kitagawa and Akaike (1978), Kitagawa and Gersch

(1996)). To be specific, k and Ni are assumed to denote the number of

subintervals, and the number of observations in the i-th subinterval (N1+ · · ·+Nk = N), respectively. Actually, k and Ni are unknown in practical modeling. Therefore, in the analysis of locally stationary time series, it

is necessary to estimate the number of subintervals, k, the locations of

the dividing points and appropriate models for subintervals.