In essence, an arti™cial cell or cells are systems that biomimic native cellular function to recapitulate either function and/or structure. —is de™nition includes capsules or particles that biomimic a single or many biochemical functions of a cell of interest or the cell itself or encapsulations of cells to allow the cells to perform the function of choice. Arti™cial cell technology seeks to address the need for a more e±cient temporary if not permanent replacement. In contrast to tissue engineering, the ™eld of arti™cial cells is concerned with singular cells and recapitulations of functions, instead of whole complex tissues. —e wide range of arti™cial cells can be glimpsed in the various applications that arose ranging from whole cell encapsulations of pancreatic islet cells and hepatocytes, liposome encapsulation of hemoglobin (Hb), and polymerized Hb. In the treatment of enzyme and single system defects, the application of whole cells may be detrimental, and replacing the enzyme or the single system may be more e±cient as

22.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 22-1 22.2 Development of Arti™cial Cells Using Nanomaterials .............22-2 22.3 Nanobiomaterials for Arti™cial Red Blood Cells .......................22-3

22.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................22-9 References ..................................................................................................22-10

is the case with arti™cial red blood cells. —e application of nanobiomaterials is necessary to both better biomimic cellular systems and construct a more e±cient system than nature itself.