Shift Work and Its Impact on Medical Error .......................................................... 185 Circadian Rhythms ................................................................................................. 186 Fatigue Alertness and Safety .................................................................................. 188 Shift Work .............................................................................................................. 189 Health Care and the Medical Model ...................................................................... 190 Other Studies .......................................................................................................... 192 Action for Health and Safety Professionals ........................................................... 193 Endnotes ................................................................................................................. 193

In spite of our modern world, the human body still operates with circadian rhythms that rise and fall as they did since the dawn of time. Individuals who work rotating or irregular shifts experience a different set of problems than those who have a consistent day time work schedule. Chronic fatigue and its associated problems are compounded by many variables. Fatigue affects our cognitive functions, and the ability to process an assortment of information is reduced. Evening and night shift workers are often susceptible to fatigue and are at risk for injury. Fatigue has been associated with reduced performance, increased medical errors, and workplace accidents.4