Only 6 months into my tenure as nurse manager, a sentinel event occurred, which directly linked bullying behaviors to medical errors. On morning rounds, I was informed that a patient had been found with an oxygen saturation of 52% and taken to the intensive care unit (ICU). An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) showed anoxic changes of the brain that were so signi‚cant, the physician was concerned his patient would not return to baseline. Even on a full rebreather mask, the patient could not converse normally. I took the patient-controlled analgesic

Culture of Horizontal Hostility: Terminology and De‚nition ............................... 198 Direct Relationships to Medical Errors ............................................................. 199 Isolated Event or Trend? Prevalence .................................................................200 Impact on the Individual ................................................................................... 201 Impact on the Team ........................................................................................... 201

Absent and Ineffective Leadership .........................................................................202 Mistrust Squared: Lack of Transparency ...............................................................203 Poor Communication Skills and Inability to Confront = Fear-Based Culture ......204