This chapter discusses a variety of topics that contribute to the overall design and workings of a production facility. A manufacturing unit must be housed in a building, and Section 7.1 discusses a few traits of the more popular industrial buildings. The facility must be operated efficiently, requiring an organization structure such as that described in Section 7.2. As we have seen, the nature of an organization affects the total labor resources that are needed in the plant. It also influences the office and plant layouts detailed in Chapter 13. Section 7.3 is a short statement on the communications needed to operate a plant coherently. The mode of communication also defines the facilities required in the plant. For example, storing documents in the quality control room might require a stacked cabinet, or the documents could be stored on a USB drive if a desktop computer is available; written memoranda could be transmitted on paper or through desktop computers connected in a network. Section 7.4 discusses the services and facilities that are necessary in any production operation, including shop offices, inspection and maintenance departments, locker rooms, lavatories, a cafeteria, and even a parking area. Essentially, this chapter provides information on integrated plant design.