C47H71N5O15 946.102 Isol. from the sponge Pachastrissa nux.

Petchprayoon, C. et al., Heterocycles, 2006, 69, 447-456 (isol, pmr, cmr)


C47H70N4O13 899.089 Isol. from the eggs of Hexabranchus sp. and from Pachastrissa nux. Cytotoxic agent. Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. [a]23D -5 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). lmax 245 (e 26000) (MeOH) (Derep). 3-Ac: Kabiramide E

[101550-96-3] C49H72N4O14 941.126 Isol. from the eggs of Hexabranchus sp. Cytotoxic agent. Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. [a]23D -20 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). lmax 245 (e 26000) (MeOH) (Derep).