Probable struct. Biogenetic numbering shown; other schemes also used. Alkaloid from flowering Papaver zangezuricum (Papaveraceae). Amorph.

12-Demethoxy: Triniifoline [201136-31-4] C21H23NO6 385.416 Alkaloid from the aerial parts of Papaver triniifolium. Amorph. powder. [a]20D +100 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). lmax 231 (log e 3.97); 288 (log e 3.67) (MeOH).

12-Demethoxy, Et ether: O-Ethyltriniifoline [201136-32-5] C23H27NO6 413.469 Alkaloid from Papaver triniifolium. Amorph. solid. [a]20D +120 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). Possible artifact. lmax 234 (log e 4.01); 285 (log e 3.56) (MeOH).