The grain and oilseed milling sector (NAICS code 3112) can be divided into three main categories: (1) fl our milling and malt manufacturing, (2) starch and vegetable fats and oils manufacturing, and (3) breakfast cereal manufacturing. Flour milling and malt manufacturing is engaged in one or more of the following manufacturing activities: (1) milling fl our or meal from grains or vegetables, (2) preparing fl our mixes or dough from milled fl our, (3) milling, cleaning, and polishing rice, and (4) preparing malt from barley, rye, or other grains. Starch and vegetable fats and oils manufacturing is primarily engaged in one or more of the following manufacturing activities: (1) wet milling corn and vegetables, (2) crushing oilseeds and tree nuts, (3) refi ning and blending vegetable oils, (3) shortening and margarine, and (4) blending purchased animal fats with vegetable fats. The cereal breakfast foods industry comprises plants primarily engaged in manufacturing three main types of cereal products: ready to eat, hot cooked, and natural breakfast cereals (U.S. Census Bureau, 2006).